Amid the globalisation of business and a rapidly changing market environment, we understand how important finding effective, practical solutions to anti-trust compliance issues has become at both the domestic and international levels, and we are happy to offer solutions that can help enhance your business’s competitive edge. In addition, the competition legislation guarantees the protection of free market competition, in cases where the competition is disordered by some restrictive practices.
In our practical expertise, we assist our clients in addressing the entire range of issues related to Macedonian competition law and legislation on foreign investments in strategic enterprises and trade.
Also, we develop the necessary procedures and documents for ensuring compliance with the corresponding legislation, and defend the interests of clients in commercial disputes with counterparties over unfair competition. Additionally, we make compliance report regarding the legislation on natural monopolies and tariff regulations.
Attorney-at-law , Papazoski and Mishev Law Firm, Macedonia
Tel: +389 23140 940