Public authorities financially support private businesses through various funding programmes.
Any public assistance could be a state aid and must comply with Macedonian regulative on state aid.
We at Papazoski and Mishev Law Firm help you to avoid irregularities in the application for and the utilization of state resources and advise you on all state aid aspects. Our experts are highly qualified, experienced and very well connected. They know exactly what matters when making use of state aid. We communicate with organisations responsible for the allocation of public resources in Macedonia.
We have unrivalled experience in the region of advising on this complex and little understood area. We have acted for State bodies granting aid, potential aid recipients and third party objectors. We are able to use the flexibility of the rules and our knowledge of procedure and risk to provide innovative solutions which deliver the outcomes you need.
As regards the Macedonian regulation on state aid, we offer:
Attorney-at-law , Papazoski and Mishev Law Firm, Macedonia
Tel: +389 23140 940